Identification – Waterford utilized a relationship with a regional land owner to partner with them on entitling and developing a vacant parcel of land they had owned for over 40 years into a large Mixed Use project.
Evaluation – Waterford utilized its strong market knowledge to evaluate the opportunity quickly and realize the land had new zoning through the City of Santa Ana as it was located in a new specific plan district that allowed for Mixed-Use development.
Business Plan – Waterford felt the owner of the project would unlock more value if the project was fully entitled and created a partnership with the existing owner to manage the entire entitlement process.
Capitalization – Waterford was able to successfully navigate the intense city process to receive entitlements for over 650 residential units on the site, dramatically increasing the current land value.
Asset Management – Waterford hired best-in-class architects and consultants to assist them through the entitlement process.
Stabilization – Waterford helped the owner sell the project to a market rate development firm with the entitlements in place for $52.5M which far exceeded the original projections for the value of the land after entitlements.